當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)-常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題 CRM與數(shù)字營(yíng)銷(xiāo)的關(guān)系


作者:admin 來(lái)源:本站 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-06-12 10:50:00
First, members of the service, this level is the pursuit of how each customer at the point of contact to achieve timely service, differentiation, to ensure basic customer satisfaction.

Two, marketing automation, the level of digital marketing is mentioned by many people, for retail brands, online retail developed today, to play the biggest role, because many consumers of data accumulated wealth than in the past, the pursuit of this field is how to through effective customer segmentation, how to use reasonable and targeted measures and channels of communication to achieve active marketing differentiation.


Three, interactive marketing, this is relatively new, the past is not, is through social media, services, interactive, focused on how to make this part of the difference marketing automation, how to make interactive customer data effectively settled in CRM.
Four, membership marketing, this area is old, mainly through the membership grade, integral, differentiated service system, effective accumulation of rights through integral, and reasonable feedback to achieve the purpose of customer loyalty.
Digital marketing is based on digital technology user analysis, marketing planning, content, advertising, marketing execution, optimization management, data statistics and analysis of the general term. CRM and digital marketing have a great intersection. Marketing activities rely on the CRM system to measure effectiveness and rewards. At the same time, the user data obtained from CRM can also support the layout of marketing activities, and help to more accurately tap and discover potential customers.
This is a Ji'nan customer management system knowledge, believe that you have a deeper understanding of our products, if you have any questions, don't understand, welcome to inquire, we sincerely welcome your visit.


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